Wednesday, September 27, 2017


It happens in India. One-Way!

When you cancel railway ticket, you lose an appreciable amount of money. But when Railways cancels the train there is nothing they provide you.

When you are.delayed, you miss the train and lose the ticket amount. But when a train is delayed you get nothing but you end up paying more for your conveyance to home.

You can be summarily sent out from your job without any reason  as per the one-sided contract wiith the Company. But when it is a mistake committed by your Company like delayed payment to you, that's passe.

When you don't pay your electricity bill on.the due date, your power supply is cut off. But when they make you suffer during the long hours of load shedding, you don't get any compensation.

When you forget to pay road tax, you are penalised heavily. But when roads are bad and you get hurt due to that, there is nothing available from Corporation or the traffic Dept. Also if a compliant is made to Corporation about bad roads it falls on deaf ears. Unless some pressure is brought on them they do not attend to the problem.

School and College Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Is the amount small?. It is often hard earned money. This, in spite of the fact that the seat given up does not go unfilled because greater is the demand than supply.

Since court cases take  years justice is denied.

For vote bank some sections of people are given extraordinary benefits. But the deserving citizens such as aged, downtrodden, oppressed, rural, wronged are neglected.

Parents shell out a huge sum getting their children educated in schools. Since the so called teaching in Government schools are below par, private schools are preferred. In spite of this tuitions to children run like parallel institutions. Is it overzealousness of the parents or opportunistic business ventures, one cannot say. Similarly coaching classes are conducted by some private business houses for every competitive examinatiion. The fees range from 20000 to 2 lakhs per year. Some middle class parents bleed to pay for such coaching classes. Is it then education only for the monied classes. Why should they have the edge?. Is it not inequality?. Is it not against the Right to Education?.

Even God is made highly commercial in this country. There is a special treatment to those who can afford to buy  ‘special darshan’ tickets. God is made discriminatory. Does it happen in Churches and Mosques?  

Hindu temples thrive on blatant donations from the rich. Instead of a community funding, opulence is encouraged. There is competition as to which God or temple is richer?. Is it the essence of religion?. There is even competition among godmen as to who is richer. Is it spirituality?.